Terms and Conditions

TreeTrekk ("TreeTrekk", "we", "us", "our") has the best interests for users and user experience and by allowing user generated content, places responsibility in the hands of users. Please read the following guidlines and disclaimer for your (and others) safety online and offline whilst using TreeTrekk. By using this site, you agree to these terms and conditions.

User Guidelines

  • Any photos uploaded to TreeTrekk should not be inappropriate, abusive, pornographic or extremely unrelated to the trees planted. This content is not permitted, will not be tolerated and may result in immediate termination or suspension of your account.

  • When uploading tree locations to the map, please consider safety of yourself, other users and intrests of property owners. If a location is on private property, consent from the owner should be acquired.

  • Artificially increasing the number of trees on the site without actually planting them is considered misuse of the platform.

  • Do not provide your password to any other users.

  • Do not use a web-crawler or automated bot to scrape information from TreeTrekk.

  • Sub-licencing or reselling areas of TreeTrekk is not permitted and will not be tolerated.

  • Do not remove or manipuate any trademarks, copyright or watermarks on TreeTrekk's intellectual property.

Please respect TreeTrekk, the owners of the content and other users of TreeTrekk.


The instructive infomation provided in the skills list is not a 'perfect' set of instructions to learn parkour movements. Ensure you train in safe environments and learn your boundaries before attempting certain movements. Although the information provided is reliably sourced and checked by coaches, the information is to be used as a guideline and may not be perfect: TreeTrekk cannot be liable for damages you cause to yourself, others or any property. Please consider environmental safety and personal experience before attempting skills and use at least use one other form of training advice such as professional coaching.

Consider legal restrictions when adding information to the spot map such as whether you are on private property. If a photo is to be taken of private property, consent must be gathered first from the property owner. Furthermore, although content is moderated, some content may not be noticed until it reaches numerous users. Please report any inappropriate, unrelated content or abuse to [email protected].

Contacting Us

Any questions, please email [email protected]